Visiting International Professional Program :: Managing Water for Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia

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Managing Water for Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia

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About the Program

Hosted by the Visiting International Professional Program (VIPP), and sponsored by USDA-FAS, the Managing Water for Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia Program (MW-CSA-SA) brings research Fellows from South Asia to Michigan State University for a 12-week research residency fellowship program in the fall of 2023. The program's goal is to develop the Fellows’ research capacity in climate-smart agriculture (CSA), with a focus on managing water for agricultural food productivity while curbing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to help mitigate the impacts of climate change.

The program utilizes Michigan State University's world-leading research expertise in water and related areas, including food and energy. A faculty team from diverse academic, professional, and cultural backgrounds offers multi-disciplinary expertise and real-life experiences in the study of environment and climate change.

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Fellowship Program Objectives

  • Support South Asia to establish climate smart agriculture (CSA) to help guide actions to transform agri-food systems towards green and climate resilient practices, by training young scientists in the latest CSA approaches to enhance productivity, curb greenhouse gas emissions, improve soil health, enhance carbon sequestration, and explore other practices that help to mitigate the impacts of climate change in South Asia.
  • Equip the fellows with needed technical and managerial skills in leading their communities to increase climate resiliency, particularly in addressing the bottleneck problems in South Asia, water availability, stability, and accessibility in agriculture systems.
  • Train the fellows on leadership and science communication to empower them to advocate for sound policy to peers, decision-makers, and the general public.
  • Facilitate the development of the strategic goals and objectives of USDA, individual fellows, the host institutions, and promoting science-based agendas in a “real-world” environment and creating direct impacts on international trade, food security, and economic growth under climate challenges.
  • Create an opportunity to establish collaborations with and gain insights from relevant stakeholders, including the U.S. regulatory agencies and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

Length of Fellowship

All selected fellows will form a cohort to work together during the 12-week Fellowship to enhance their research communication, policy advocacy, and leadership skills. In addition, each Fellow will be assigned an MSU mentor who will guide the fellow’s research and training. All program proposals must include goals that are achievable within that timeframe. The MSU mentor will visit the fellow’s home institution within six months to one year after the conclusion of the U.S. portion of the Fellowship.


The Fellowship is fully funded with all expenses paid including international and domestic travel to the U.S., J-1 visiting scholar visa application fee, health insurance in the U.S., lodging, and per diem. The Fellowship does not pay for salary or fringe benefits, nor does it pay any personal expenses.


For more information about the MW-CSA-SA Fellowship Program, please contact:

Visiting International Professional Program (VIPP)
International Studies and Programs
Michigan State University
Wonders Hall
891 Birch Rd, Room N44
East Lansing, MI 48825


